Support California Indians and the 2010 Census (info)

We are California Indian and We Count!
My name is Joely Proudfit. As the consultant for the AIAN LA Region 2010 Census, I have helped develop an interactive Web site to update, share, and encourage your participation in the 2010 Census.

We have a number of features on the site, including Public Service Announcements featuring numerous tribal leaders from our region. You can download up-to-date Census News, tools and resources here, too. 

California is too important to have an undercount. We are home to the largest number of tribal governments, and we have the largest population of urban Indians. Whether you are from a tribe in California or a Native American residing in California, you must be part of the decisions made about our communities and our land. Stand and be counted in the 2010 Census for your people, for your future.
You can also follow us on twitter:

Joely Proudfit, Ph.D.,2010 AIAN Census Consultant