Eagle Books (health)

The Eagle Books: Stories about Growing Strong and Preventing Diabetes 
Authored and narrated by Georgia Perez of Nambe Pueblo, and illustrated by Patrick Rolo, Bad River Band of Ojibwe, and Lisa A. Fifield, Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin, Black Bear Clan, the animated series provide an interactive tool to engage children in activities and discussions about healthy eating, and the joy of being active while looking to traditional ways to stay healthy and prevent type 2 diabetes.The book series is the result of a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Native Diabetes Wellness Program, Indian Health Service and the Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee.
The video versions available through CDC-TV allow children, teachers, and communities across all cultures to access the unique, award-winning resources at any time.
The Eagles Nest http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/eagle/
A Web site where kids can learn more about living healthy and diabetes