College Advice to Incoming College Freshman

Living Life at Dartmouth As A Native©

#Cheesy Philosophy

by Andre Cramblit, NAD ‘86 (Native Americans @ Dartmouth) Karuk Tribe™

Q: How many Alumni does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Three.  1 to change the bulb and two to reminisce about how good the old one was.

I remember my first week at Dartmouth College. It was after a week-long bus ride from California. Dartmouth, the Ivies, the East Coast, College in general, they are all worlds away from the reality of the California Rez (American Indian Reservation).   Being Native and attending college means having to exist in two worlds.  You must be strong within yourself to face the challenges ahead.

To those of you in school now: 

Stay strong resist the temptations. Try your best to ignore the mainstream and be comfortable in yourself. Get close to the other Native American students - they are part of your family no.

Go to sleep earlier now and then, have afternoon tea to clear the mind, don't go to big parties if you need to study, don't miss the comfort food in the dining hall. 

Take advantage of office hours. Get to know your professors on a one to one level if possible. Contrary to popular belief they are human too. If they know you as a person, it helps them understand where you are coming from and who you are as an individual. Take the time to dress up nicely it will be appreciated, and they do not need to see how cool you are in flip-flops, sunglasses and shorts. Best offices hours I heard of, running with your prof.  Back in the day we used to throw a dinner party.  There is nothing like seeing a tipsy Professor enjoying some regular non-classroom talk with students., having the President, Dean and other administrators is a plus.

A shot of espresso actually has less caffeine than a large coffee.  Don't waste your money on that $4 dopio grande soy caramel latte, there is time for that when you graduate and get a job (even then don't do it).

The clam chowder is best on Friday afternoon (much thicker then), go to the art or independent films you woint see at the mega theater complex. Keep of the freshman 15, get to know the Dean-They could be your friend in time of need. 

Help out at the Pow Pow or in the local Native community programs and events. Do something fun on Spring break and be sure to write your family. Stare at the stars.

Scout out a QUIET place to study during finals.  See the world while you can. Plan to study abroad do a Language Study Abroad (LSA) or Foreign Study Program (FSP) at least a semester.

Attend a choir concert.). Get involved in a club or organization. Attend an International Fair.  Try being a DJ at the radio station; forcing people to listen to music you like is cathartic.

Make a point of getting to know your financial aid officer personally. Ask for a better financial aid package. Don't worry about the massive loans; it is an investment in you.

Enjoy the dance of the changing leaf colors, road trips to new places (with a designated driver), be active (politically, academically, socially, community, etc.). Invite each of your profs to have lunch with you, it is a classy move, you will have quality time with them and 60% of the time they will pick up the tab.

Take early classes (there are more things you want to do in the evening). 

Take a PE class that challenges you or gives you a new skill.  Try, archery (not all Natives are born knowing how to shoot a bow and arrow), or aikido they are practical skills you can use in life. Rifle class is an easy PE Credit (plus you get to shoot things); a 9 AM soccer class on Thursdays after fraternity house meetings is not an easy PE Credits.

Use condoms, tweak the establishments nose occasionally, support causes that make it a better world.

Live in the Native American house at least one semester if you have one. Dance at the dances put on by other minority/ethnic groups, resist the urge to apply for the credit cards, if you check your mail box every other day you're more likely to have mail. 

Study the wisdom of Buckaroo Banzai, try a modified major, write letters to the editor, run for an office. 

Oceans and earth moon and everyone are great science classes for the humanities' Pre-Med biology is not a good science for humanities major, talk to that cute guy or girl (make eye contact first), Don’t just stay on campus, see what the town you are in has to offer.

Don't rely on the cabs to get there on time, Public transportation is a cheap way to explore your town and region. 

Buy as much computer as financial aid will allow. For every 1 hour in class try to schedule 2-3 for study-research and reading. Study during the day and tackle your hardest classes work first. Take copious notes.  Remember your professors can tell if you're using a 14 point font and 1.5 inch margins, Save often!!

Take frequent breaks, college life is about growing as an individual, meet new people, take long walks, workout, be active in some new projects or organizations, a good (responsible) social life will help you find a good connection to school.  Just say no every now and then.

Go out for a sports team or club team.  You will meet people and stay active; Intramurals are always fun (do they still have broom hockey and inter-tube water polo)?

Learn your language, try and preserve the Native knowledge of your people it is your connection to your very existence.  Work with the any linguist to get assistance for your tribe.  Consider the needs of your people and find ways to elect better Tribal leaders.  Work to become a Tribal leader.

Take advantage of the outdoors Explore the campus and green spaces around your school. Participate in outdoor clubs.

Don't shy away from difficult courses or professors.  Don't get in over your head either.  Do not be afraid to try something new and if you realize in the first few classes it is way beyond your capacity or interest, drop it and move on.

Take intro courses.  Who knows, philosophy, religion, or drama 101 may change the course of your education.

Speak up in seminars or class. Ask questions.  Don't be afraid.  Someone else is wondering the same thing as you.  Your Prof will appreciate the participation.

Write, write, write.  Keep a journal.  You have to learn to communicate your every thought through words, be creative. It is a cliché but think outside the box. Come at things from a different angle. Your Professor already knows that light and dark is a major metaphor in Heart of Darkness.

Look for creative ways to get money.  Get new scholarships every semester to reduce the amount of loans and work study you need. Apply for grants to study things that interest you.  Apply for a fellowship to lead you into new areas to explore, not just something related to your major or career goal.

Learn a different language.  The world is getting smaller, and communication is the key to EVERYTHING!

Get to know your dorm mates; don't isolate yourself with just other people like yourself.

Don't drink your freshman year away.

Go from the classroom to the real world. Find funding that allows you to complete an internship in the Native community.

Ramen is cheap (not nutritious) if you have extra money then add a hot dog for protein.  Bringing comods from home will just confuse your non-Indian friends but can help you get the basics together for NDN Taco night.  Good nutrition is important for being able to study long and hard and to staying healthy.

You are here to learn about everything. Develop an appreciation for the arts.  Attend concerts, recitals, lectures, art show openings, symposia, and poetry slams.

Get a tutor. Join a study group, or find a partner to work with more minds cannot be bad. Start an outline for those papers early so it's easier to finish when you wait till the last minute.

And most importantly always take advice from alumni with skepticism; it's your school now.